Textual Analysis Revision Q1

Answering question 1 from sssfcmedia

The booklet should help you be able to actually do the analysis - but remember you need to find the sequences to analyse.

Below are a selection of texts for you to analyse - don't forget to do the 10 minute note taking in between the first and second viewings.

Film Practice Exam: Q1

The sequence is a trailer for the 2008 teen comedy Wild Child.

Analyse the sequence commenting on:

  • Visual codes
  • Audio codes
  • Genre

Here is a sample answer...

Film practice sample answer from sssfcmedia

Music Video Practice Exam: Q1

The music video is for Johnny Cash's 2002 cover of the Nine Inch Nails song Hurt.

Analyse the sequence commenting on:

  • Technical codes
  • Visual codes

 Here is a sample answer...

Music video sample answer from sssfcmedia

Radio Practice Exam: Q1

The extract is a promo advertising the BBC Radio Asian Network. BBC Asian Network is a British radio station which broadcasts Asian music, news, entertainment, culture, debate and drama.
  • Analyse the opening sequence commenting on 
  • Spoken codes Sound codes (jingles and sound FX etc.)

A sample answer....

Radio practice sample answer from sssfcmedia

TV Advertising Practice Exam Q1

The Advert is part of the recent John Lewis campaign: ‘Never Knowingly Undersold’.

1. Analyse the advert commenting on

• Visual codes
• Technical & Audio codes 

Video Games Practice Exam Q1

The sequence is a cut scene and some played scenes from the 2006 game: Bully. Bully is an open world (sandbox)

Analyse the sequence commenting on:

· visual codes
· genre

A sample answer....

Bully ta sample answer from sssfcmedia

Film Practice Exam Q1

Study the trailer for the US film Dear John from 2009. Dear John is a romantic drama directed by the filmmaker Lasse Halestrom.

Analyse the extract commenting on:

· technical codes
· genre
· narrative

Sample Answer.....

Dear john q1 from sssfcmedia

Print-Based Analysis

When analysing print media, pay specific attention to these elements.
  • Design / layout e.g. graphics, use of colour etc.
  • Think about what’s on the page! How is it set out? What does it do to the audience? and what effect does it have? Makes them want to buy? Or makes them pay attention maybe?
  • Typography
  • Different fonts and styles? How is it appealing to the audience? Who are the audience? How does it tie into this target market/audience?
  • Language
  • What sort of language is used? If it’s a kid’s magazine you can expect lots of ‘yo’ and ‘cool’s right? Well this is trying to speak in their language are the people who make the magazine are actually much older. Say the words out loud and see how they sound and who they appeal to
  •  Persuasive techniques
  • ‘Free stickers!’ ‘See inside for more!’ ’10 ways to improve your sex life’ all of these are ways to persuade. You can be Lured by these tactics, can be the font, style, pictures, language anything that makes you want to buy!
  • Register and mode of address
  • This is related and similar to language, how is it speaking? What styles are used? etc how is it addressing the viewer?
Exemplar Analysis of a Text Based Media

Teenage lifestyle magazine.
Colours which clash to attract audience on a crowded shelf. Pink White Yellows. Design – hearts, appealing graphics.

Use of established celebrity to attract readers, the hook. Uses teen language to construct the celebrity as sharing the same interests as the target audience. Her name written in handwriting style to suggest authenticity and a personal element. She is young enough to be considered as a role model, the bow on her head and her fashionable clothes suggest she is still in touch with her youth, instead of a business attire for instance.

Uses young teenage girl’s language as a more of address – uses language like Snogs, crush, gossip. Suggests a slightly younger female teen, which interest in boys but not necessarily sex so 12-16 perhaps. Target market. This strengthens the bond between the reader and the magazine, speaking the same language.

This is followed up by an informal tone, using exclamation marks, (oh’s and er’s) showing a fallible nature and relaxed tone, to strengthen the connection. Mode of address of a friend rather than an adult. Use of the direct address – ‘you’ve read’ ‘your inner psychic’.

Takes on the role of an older sister – Cringe Cancelled bottom right. To inform and empower the young girls without having to talk to their parents, instead from a slightly older sibling. Educating on the role of their newly found personal, emotional and relationship based lives. The fashion section on the bottom left similarly does this in terms of fashion, ‘win the fashion vote’ using intertextuality to reference ‘The X-Factor’, which appeals to the target audience and at the same time suggests they will ‘lose’ socially without the fashion help of the magazine.

No main cover line, instead relies on many different Lures to tempt the reader to read and buy, a sense they are missing out in the features. ‘We got all the gossip’ ‘until you’ve read page 36’ etc
Typography – bold, and wide type-face (font on pc), also cartoony,
Sensationalist quotes – real-life stories which provide distraction from the audience’s own problems, and Lures to must read stories.

Made to look like Stickers top left. To attract and make it seem fun, playful, enjoyable.
Obviously these points above would be written into an exam style essay answer, but these are the points you could/should make!

Task 1 – Exam Revision – GamesMaster Magazine

Print-based Media – Study the cover from the video-games magazine ‘Gamesmasterfrom September 2011.

  1. Analyse the cover commenting on


Persuasive techniques                


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