Introduction to Course

Pass rate 90% A-C

Why Media?  
The 'Media' is a subject that is constantly changing on a daily basis; from phone-hacking scandals to Web 2.0 to Facebook campaigns to User-Generated Content (UGC).  One could argue that the study of this ever-changing phenomena has never been more important since most creative jobs in the marketplace expect a working knowledge of video production, advertising techniques or blogging. Indeed, not knowing about these skills might seriously curtail your earning ability.  As well as potentially working in the newspaper, magazine, film and TV industries, you might be employed in a charity to create online games or videos to raise awareness of an issue, or by a museum to make an amusing app' for a mobile phone. More importantly, media education is not just about making you employable, it is also important to know what is out there in terms of contemporary and foriegn films, how you can be targeted by the advertising industry, how the magazine and newspaper industries work and the nature of the British Film Industry.  It is a fascinating subject that will have you learning how to plan, make and evaluate a short film, critically assess an advert or film or poster design. You might also analyse the front page of a newspaper and magazine in terms of target audience - and consider the changing representation of age, race and class on our screens.  All that and Web 2.0.  

TASK (Homework 1)
Have a listen to the podcast by clicking on the link
  Podcast -Why Media.  
It's about 10 mins; note down what they say, make a list of reasons for and reasons against studying media, type or write it out and present to me for next lesson.


‘Why study Media?’ - The FOR and Against argument 

500 words.

Dont just regurgitate the podcast…think about it…do some more research…form your own opinion!!!

Hand in completed next lesson

  You need to know why we're studying this and need to be able to articulate your thoughts if you want to pass AS Media.


Above is an example of a professionally drawn storyboard; you will be expected to add camera angles, timing, dialogue and mise en scene details.    
Welcome to AS Media Studies.  The link above will send you to powerpoints shown in the initial four weeks of the course.  Make sure you download them and note down what they say.  Your coursework project will start in Oct and will be a short film of 3 mins - a trailer or a music video; so you need to know the basics and the theory behind what you're doing.

1:   You need to come up with an idea for a trailer or a music video - this is the pitch (300 words)
2:   You need to produce a storyboard (see photo) of 16 frames by the end of the first week.
3:  Use the opening pages of 'Hunting Lila' photocopy available from me if it helps. 

Make sure you understand the following:

Narrative Codes:

Todorov's theory
Roland Barthes Narrative Codes
Propp's characters
Levi-Strauss theory of Binary Opposition
Audience Theory:

Blumler and Katz's theory of Active Audiences
The Hypodermic Needle Effect (Passive Audiences)
The Effects Debate


Stuart Hall's Theory of Encoding and Decoding.
(Preferred Reading)
Marshall McLuhan's theory of Mediation
Baudrillard's theory of Hyperreality
Media Quiz

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